Annual General Meeting
All members are cordially invited to attend the Virtual CADS NCD (Canadian Adaptive Snowsoprts – National Capital Division) Annual General Meeting (AGM).
This Virtual AGM will
be held at 7:00 PM on Thursday November 28, 2024 as a zoom call.
Call coordinates are below.
Click here to join Zoom meeting via video:
Meeting ID: 460 676 6076
Passcode: 1216
Audio only call:
+1 647 374 4685 Canada – Toronto
+1 647 558 0588 Canada – Toronto
+1 438 809 7799 Canada – Montreal
Meeting ID: 460 676 6076
Passcode: 1216
Documents for the meeting include:
Notice & Invitation
CADS – NCD Board of Directors Nomination Form
2023-2024 DRAFT Minutes from AGM held on November 29, 2023
CADS – NCD Presidents Report for 2023-2024
2023-24 Financial Statements
- CADS-NCD Div’n Budget 2024-25
- CADS-NCD Calabogie Peaks Budget 2024-25
- CADS-NCD Sommet Edelweiss Budget 2024-25
- CADS-NCD Mont Cascades Budget 2024-25
- CADS-NCD Mount Pakenham Budget 2024-25
- CADS-NCD TC Budget 2024-25
- CADS – NCD WSC Budget 2024-25
We encourage CADS – NCD members to attend. With no need to travel and minimal technology, be it a home or cell phone, ipad, laptop, notebook, or home / office computer a significant portion of our entire membership have the means to attend and learn about the business of CAD-NCD.
During this virtual AGM an election would normally be held for two (maybe three) Directors to sit on the CADS NCD Board. However there are some openings and other people would want to shadow the successor in for instance finance admin positions. Therefore, all interested in being on the CADS – NCD Board of Directors will be accommodated.
All current CADS NCD members in good standing are eligible to run for these positions. We benefit from a people in CADS – NCD with diverse backgrounds and roles in CADS. Dedicated members with experience in Administration, Finance, Translation, Information Technology, and or Fundraising are also encouraged to apply. We would also welcome parents of skiers to consider these positions.
Please fill out the attached Application Form and forward it to our Nominations Committee Chair Mr. Jim Delaney at and cc Nomination Committee member Ms. Miranda Newton at as there will be no calls for nominations from the floor. Please note that two (2) current CADS-NCD members in good standing are required to support each nomination. Typing their own names on the forms is acceptable.
Canadian Adaptive Snowsports (CADS) is a volunteer-based, non-profit national and international leader in alpine adaptive snowsports committed to the idea that “SKIING IS FOR EVERYONE”.
Canadian Adaptive
Snowsports – National Capital Division (CADS – NCD) was
formed in 1979. We are a registered charity, a provincial-level
sports organization member of CADS, and oversee the adaptive ski
and snowboard programs and services operating in the regions of
Eastern Ontario and Western Quebec.
CADS – NCD provides the resources and support to break down barriers to these activities and in so doing, embrace a healthy lifestyle, camaraderie and fun.
We are in need of new volunteers to maintain and grow our programs. Please see our Volunteering page for more information. Hurry, training starts in December.
CADS – NCD supports seven formal programs in the region. These
programs include: Ski
Hawks Ottawa, at Camp Fortune, for the
visually challenged, along with programs at Edelweiss
Valley, Mount
Pakenham, Calabogie
Peaks and Mont
Cascades for people who need adaptive equipment and or
instruction in order to enjoy skiing and snowboarding. CADS – NCD
hosts a Canadian Veterans’ Winter Sports Clinic each February and
operates a Racing program for competitive skiing.
In addition to these formal programs, CADS – NCD provides support to schools and individuals on a request basis, providing partners or instructors and ski equipment, as required, assisting skiers and snowboarders who face a variety of cognitive and or physical challenges. Special clinic days can be organized for community organizations serving persons with these challenges.
CADS – NCD Vision
Enrich the lives of persons with various challenges through snowsports in order to promote full integration into society.
CADS – NCD Mission
CADS – NCD is dedicated to assisting individuals with various challenges (cognitive, physical and so many more) to lead richer and fuller lives through active participation in recreational and competitive alpine skiing and snowboarding.
Summary of Programs
We run programs at most of the local ski hills. They are all a little different. Some ski for an hour, some ski for a day. Some run at weekend, some on week days, some in the evenings. You can drill into the details of any program using the menu on the left. But here is a One Page Summary for comparison:
Please Donate to CADS – NCD
As a registered charity, CADS – NCD is funded by your generous donations, fundraising activities, and membership fees. Your donation is greatly appreciated and is used to promote and facilitate programs and services that we deliver for people with various challenges. Your donations to CADS – NCD are sincerely appreciated.
If you would like to donate to CADS – NCD, please click the Donate to CADS – NCD link below. It’s fast, easy, and secure.
Click to Donate to CADS – NCD via Canada Helps
Thanks to our Sponsor:
Charitable Donation Number: 11905-1514-RR0001
Tax Receipts Available