Annual General Meeting
All members are cordially invited to attend the Virtual CADS NCD (Canadian Adaptive Snowsoprts – National Capital Division) Annual General Meeting (AGM). This Virtual AGM will be held Wednesday November 30, 2022 at 7:00 PM as a zoom call. Call coordinates are below.
Click here to join Zoom meeting via video
Meeting ID: 460 676 6076
Passcode: 1216
Audio only call:
1 647 374 4685 Canada – Toronto
1 647 558 0588 Canada – Toronto
1 438 809 7799 Canada – Montreal
Meeting ID: 460 676 6076
Passcode: 1216
Documents for the meeting include:
Notice & Invitation
CADS – NCD Board of Directors Nomination Form
Presidents Report 2021-2022
CADS – NCD BDO Financial Review Report 2021-22
CADS-NCD 2021-22 Income Statement
- CADS-NCD Budget 2022-23 Final
- CADS-NCD Calabogie Peaks Budget 2022-23
- CADS-NCD Sommet Edelweiss Budget 2022-23
- CADS-NCD Mont Cascades Budget 2022-23
- CADS-NCD Mount Pakenham Budget 2022-23
- CADS-NCD TC Budget 2022-23
- CADS – NCD WSC Budget 2022-23
We encourage CADS – NCD members to attend. With no need to travel and minimal technology, be it a home or cell phone, ipad, laptop, notebook, or home / office computer a significant portion of our entire membership have the means to attend and learn about the business of CAD-NCD.
During this AGM an election will be held for two (maybe three) Directors to sit on the CADS ‑ NCD Board. All current CADS ‑ NCD members in good standing are eligible to run for these positions. Dedicated members with experience in Administration, Finance, Translation, Information Technology, and or Fundraising are encouraged to apply. We would also welcome parents of skiers to consider these positions. Please fill out the attached Application Form and forward it to our Nominations Committee Chair, Mr. Bernie Simpson at and cc Nomination Committee member Mr. Jim Delaney at
The deadline to submit applications is midnight Ottawa time on November 23, 2022. There will be no calls for nominations from the floor. Please note that two (2) current CADS ‑ NCD members in good standing are required to support each nomination. Typing these names on the form is acceptable.
In collaboration with all our CADS-NCD programs, we developed a Return to Snow plan for the 2021 ski season. The first draft CADS – NCD COVID 19 Risk Management Guide is attached for reference.
While provincial health orders and safety measures will result in some operational changes, additional information will be available as we get closer to the ski season. Should you have any questions in the meantime, please reach out to the respective program coordinator.
2019-2020 SEASON
Annual General Meeting
All members are cordially invited to attend the Virtual CADS NCD (Canadian Adaptive Snowsoprts – National Capital Division) Annual General Meeting (AGM). This Virtual AGM will be held Thursday December 3, 2020 at 7:00 PM as a zoom call. Call coordinates are below.
Click here to join Zoom meeting via video:
Meeting ID: 882 6278 1046
Passcode: 428557
Audio only call:
+1 647 374 4685 Canada – Toronto
+1 647 558 0588 Canada – Toronto
+1 438 809 7799 Canada – Montreal
Meeting ID: 882 6278 1046
Passcode: 428557
Documents for the meeting include:
Zoom Instructions for the Call
Nomination form for those wishing to apply for the Board Member at
Large positions,
Minutes from CADS – NCD Annual General Meeting that took Place
October 16, 2019, and
CADS-NCD 2020 AGM 6 Presidents Report 2019-2020
- BDO Financial Review for 2019-2020
- CADS-NCD 2019-20 Financials – Income Statement
- CADS-NCD 2019-20 Financials – Balance Sheet
- CADS-NCD 2019-20 Financials – Income Statement by Program
- CADS-NCD 2020-2021 Budget
- Calabogie Peaks Program 2020-2021 Budget
- Winter Sports Clinic 2020-2021 Budget
- Mount Pakenham Program 2020-2021 Budget
- Sommet Edelweiss Program 2020-2021 Budget
- Mont Cascades Program 2020-2021 Budget
- NCD Technical Committee 2020-2021 Budget
We encourage CADS – NCD members to attend. For the AGM, we have increased our zoom capacity so all who wish to attend can. With no need to travel and minimal technology, be it a home or cell phone, ipad, laptop, notebook, or home / office computer a significant portion of our entire membership have the means to attend and learn about the business of CAD-NCD.
During this AGM an election will be held for two (maybe three) Directors to sit on the CADS ‑ NCD Board. All current CADS ‑ NCD members in good standing are eligible to run for these positions. Dedicated members with experience in Administration, Finance, Translation, Information Technology, and or Fundraising are encouraged to apply. We would also welcome parents of skiers to consider these positions. Please fill out the attached Application Form and forward it to our Nominations Committee Chair Mr. Paul Johannsen at and cc Nomination Committee member Mr. Bruce Meredith at
The deadline to submit applications is midnight Ottawa time on November 26, 2020. There will be no calls for nominations from the floor. Please note that two (2) current CADS ‑ NCD members in good standing are required to support each nomination.
CADS – NCD Celebrate 40 Great Years – Many More to Come
its Annual General Meeting on October 16 2019, CADS – NCD
celebrated its 40th Anniversary. On October 15, 1979 CADS – NCD was
created as a division of CADS. The celebration was held on the
first day of CADS – NCD 41st year of existence.
We look forward to enriching the lives of so many more people through adaptive skiing and snowboarding for many years to come.
2018-2019 SEASON
Annual Bus Trip
Please join us for our annual year-end ski trip to Mont Avila / Mont St-Sauveur which is a dual-mountain resort in St. Sauveur, Quebec. This is always such a fun trip!
Date Sunday March 10th, 2019.
Transportation Bus with two departure/return points in Ottawa – one in the west end and one in the east end. Times listed below.
Cost$35 for CADS Volunteers and Participants
$45 for friends and family
Registration and payment Registration Deadline:
March 2nd, 2019.
You have a more than a month to register, please don’t wait until
the last minute (which makes more work for the organizer).
Each person must register individually using the appropriate
GoalLine form below.
You must pay by credit card to complete the registration in
- Participants must arrange their own volunteer(s) to accompany them.
- You will need your Access Code (which is also your CADS member number) from your initial Confirmation email, which may have been in your junk mail folder.
CADS NCD Year End Ski Trip Registation for FRIENDS AND FAMILY
• West end:7:00am Eagleson Park and Ride
• East end: 7:30am CFMWS Complex, 4210 Labelle Street, Ottawa, K1J
1J7 (same as last year)
• Depart hill at 4:30pm and arrive back in Ottawa around 6:30pm or
7:00pm depending on which end of town you are going to.
• Ask your hill / program coordinator or Cathy Presseau
613-282-2954 Not available Feb 22 to
Mar 1 inclusive.
Adaptive Snowsports –
National Capital Division
Modernizes its Name and Bylaws
On June 27, 2018, at the Special Meeting of the Members held in Ottawa, CADS – NCD membership overwhelmingly approved 4 Special Resolutions to amend the organization’s Bylaws. This includes changes to;
• Increase the division portion of registration fees from $5 to $10 starting in 2019-2020, and review each fifth year thereafter,
• Reduce quorum from 40 to 20 at meetings of the members, and
• Formally include Canadian Veterans’ Winter Sports Clinic and the CADS – NCD Technical Committee as programs in the division.
In the coming weeks we will introduce a new logo.
CADS – NCD Special Meeting of the Members.
CADS – NCD has called a Special Meeting of the Members to be held at 7:00pm on Wednesday June 27, 2018. The meeting will take place at St. Anthony’s Italia Soccer Club, 523 St. Anthony Street, (Off Preston at the Queensway) Ottawa, Ontario. Phone 613 233 1083.
During this Special Meeting CADS – NCD is conducting a vote on four Special Resolutions which will amend the Bylaws with the intent to modernize our organization name, fees, quorum, and Board composition. All current Adult CADS – NCD members 18 years of age and over in good standing are eligible to vote. The Special Resolutions are described in the paper titled “CADS-NCD Proposes Four Special Resolutions at the Upcoming Special Meeting of the Members”
For further details, please visit;
Notice of the Special Meeting of the Members
Invitation to the Special Meeting of the Members
Agenda for the Special Meeting of the Members
The meeting will take place in the upper hall. It is a large wheel chair accessible room. We intend to have signage in place at St Anthony’s directing people to the hall. There is an elevator at the door where a large poster with our CADS NCD will be placed.
Those current Adult Members in good standing wishing to vote on the four Special Resolutions may do so by attending in person. Members may also participate electronically via phone or other electronic means at the start of the meeting by advising a Board member or any current member attending the Special Meeting in person of their choices. The person at the meeting would complete a ballot with the choices provided by the person participating electronically.
The meeting will start at 7:00pm. Voting will be via secret ballot. The voting will be open from 7:15pm to 7:45pm at St. Anthony’s.
Light refreshments will be served at 6:15pm. We anticipate a 7:00pm start. Voting on the 4 Special Resolutions will be open from 7:15pm to 7:45pm at St. Anthony’s. Results would be announced shortly after 8:00pm. It is a good networking opportunity as representatives from all our programs will be present.
In order to have quorum so the Special Meeting of the Members is official, current bylaws require that at least 40 registered CADS – NCD members 18+ years of age participate. In addition to all Board members attending, we would need 6 or 7 attendees from each of the six programs. That may be most members for smaller programs so hopefully larger programs can bring several participants. All programs are strongly encouraged to get their members to attend.
2017-18 CADS National Award Winners
Congratulations to all the winners. The NCD winners this year
Liane Carmel won the National Adaptive Skier or Snowboarder of the
Year Award
Bernie Simpson won the President’s Award
Carolyn Mitrow won the National Bob Gilmour Inspirational Leader
To review all 2017-2018 CADS National Award winners please click here
See CADS – NCD Edelweiss Program in Action
2017-2018 Season
Click Here to View Festival Fun Pictures And Videos
NEW 2018 – 2019 CADS National Board of Directors
Mont Sainte Anne, Quebec
Sunday March 18 to Friday March 23, 2018
A great time had by all those who attended
About 100 participants enjoyed a week of great weather
We had so many different ways to have FUN and BE SAFE.
CADS Announces its 2018 Annual General Meeting
February 27, 2018: CADS cordially invites you to the Annual General Meeting on Monday March 19, 2018, at 7:00 PM at the Chateau-Mont-Sainte-Anne Hotel 500, boulevard du Beau-Pré, Beaupré, Qc, G0A 1E0
- Order of Business at the 2018 CADS Annual General Meeting
- Minutes from CADS 2017 Annual General Meeting
2017 Draft Financial Statements
CADS 2018 National Board of Directors Election
Candidate Profiles and Goals for CADS
Pursuant to CADS Bylaw 8.5 (Voting), a member entitled to vote at a meeting of members may vote by electronic voting. Electronic voting link has been sent to all active CADS members. There will be no proxies, only Electronic voting. Once you received the electronic ballot via email, please click on the link and vote for 3 candidates. Look for an email from “CADS National Office” from with subject : ” Vote now: CADS National – 2018 Board of Director Election” sent on February 26, 2018.
CADS – NCD Annual General Meeting
On November 1, 2017, CADS – NCD will hold its Annual General Meeting. You are cordially invited to attend. For further details please see the Notice, Invitation, Agenda, CADS-NCD 2017 AGM Election Application for those wishing to run for two (possibly three vacant Board of Directors Executive Positions, Application for Program Representatives to be a CADS-NCD Director and sit on the CADS-NCD Board of Directors, Financial Report, CADS – NCD President’s Report 2016-2017, and DRAFT Minutes 2016-2017 CADS – NCD AGM held November 2, 2016.
There will be a draw for Door Prizes which include various CADS-NCD Swag. You must attend in-person to be eligible for the door prizes.
This AGM will be held at 6:00 PM Wednesday November 1, 2016 at St. Anthony’s Italia Soccer Club, 523 St. Anthony Street, (Off Preston Street at the Queensway) Ottawa, Ontario. Phone 613 233 1083.
The meeting will take place in the upper hall. It is a large wheel chair accessible room.
We intend to have signage in place at St Anthony’s directing people to the hall. There is an elevator at the door where a large poster with our CADS NCD will be placed.
During this AGM an election will be held for two (maybe three) Directors to sit on the CADS NCD Board. All current CADS NCD members in good standing are eligible to run for these positions. Dedicated members with experience in Administration, Finance, Translation, Information Technology, and or Fundraising are encouraged to apply. We would also welcome parents of skiers to consider these positions. Please fill out the attached Application Form and forward it to our Nominations Committee Chair Mr. David Farough at at and cc Nomination Committee member Mr. Bruce Meredith at
The deadline to submit applications is midnight Ottawa time on October 25, 2016. There will be no calls for nominations from the floor. Please note that two (2) current CADS NCD members in good standing are required to support each nomination.
Light refreshments will be served at 5:15 PM. We anticipate a 6:00 PM start. It is a good networking opportunity as representatives from all our programs will be present.
At the Annual General Meeting, the membership will be asked to approve the 2017-2018 annual budgets for CADS – NCD and each of our programs. These will be posted soon. Attached are:
- CADS-NCD 2017-2018 Budget
- Calabogie Peaks Program 2017-2018 Budget
- Winter Sports Clinic 2017-2018 Budget
- Community Living Day 2017-2018 Budget
- Mount Pakenham Program 2017-2018 Budget
- Sommet Edelweiss Program 2017-2018 Budget
- Mont Cascades Program 2017-2018 Budget
- NCD Technical Committee 2017-2018 Budget
The Presidents Report 2016-2017 CADS – NCD will be presented at the AGM.
New Logo and Organization Name
Our new name is Canadian ADaptive Snowsports – Keeping the acronym CADS and adopting this new logo.
You may notice a snow covered mountain, snowboard and skis, a parallel S and our National identity with the red Maple Leaf.
The “A” by itself can also be used as a pin or badge to signify Adaptive Skiing and Snowboarding.
Red, white and black are our colours and this logo will work well with all colours as a background.
Original Karl Hilzinger Award Plaque visits CADS – NCD
For years the plaque was stored in the Executive Director’s office and not brought to CADS National Awards Presentations at Festival. Only the “Keeper” Plaque was presented. Having the plaque sent to Ottawa for an upgrade allowed all the CADS – NCD recipients of the Karl Hilzinger Award to assemble for this photo with the original. Once again Congratulation to all.
Karl Hilzinger Award
The Karl Hilzinger Award is given to the person who has given exceptional service to CADS, their Division and their Program for a number of years.

CADS-NCD National Award Winners of the Karl Hilzinger Award
Left to Right Clay Dawdy, Tom
Abernethy, Bernie Simpson, Bruce Meredith,
Ron Prince, and Lindsay Temple in honour her late
Grandfather Gord Temple.
Clay Dawdy, Calabogie Peaks Resort, Karl Hilzinger Award 2013
Tom Abernethy, Edelweiss Valley, Karl Hilzinger Award 2011
Bernie Simpson, Ski Hawks Ottawa, Camp Fortune, Karl Hilzinger Award 2015
Bruce Meredith, Ski Hawks Ottawa, Camp Fortune, Karl Hilzinger Award 2009
Ron Prince, Edelweiss Valley, Karl Hilzinger Award 2005
Gord Temple, Edelweiss Valley, Karl Hilzinger Award 2000
Hilzinger played junior football for the N.D.G. Mapleleafs and intermediate football with Verdun before moving up to the professional / senior ranks in 1952, Hilzinger was in camp with the Montreal Alouettes, but did not play any regular season games for them. He played some for Toronto Balmy Beach of the OrFU in 1952. Hilzinger went west in 1953 and played two seasons for the Saskatchewan Roughriders before coming back East to play four seasons (1955-58) with the other Rough Riders in Ottawa.
Hilzinger lost both his legs in a car accident in 1964, but did not let that stop him from enjoying numerous sports including skiing, golfing and swimming. He would go on to be well known for his work for the War Amputees of Canada. In 1981, HIlzinger was awarded the Canadian Progress Award for his contributions to the community.
Karl Hilinger passed away on December 19, 1988.
CADS and CASI announce a collaborative approach to develop and encourage adaptive snowboarding participation and development in Canada
April 27, 2017 – As the CASI super course wraps up in Whistler, CADS is pleased to announce the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the Canadian Association of Snowboard Instructors (CASI) to ensure the development of technical and teaching methods for adaptive snowboarding in Canada.
CASI and CADS wish to create opportunities for increased value and competency of its respective instructors through cross-education and to share best practice in snowboard instruction. The shared vision of both Associations is to have the ability to provide adaptive snowboarding instruction at every ski school and/or ski resort in the country by the year 2020.
Both organizations have jointly set out to accomplish this shared vision by working on the following strategic initiatives:
- Support each other’s vision, mission and mandate
- Work collaboratively to enhance the snowboarding experience for everyone in Canada for people of all abilities
- Share the intellectual properties of educational content, resource materials and assessment standards over the next five years to build a quality CADS snowboard instructor and Course Conductor certification program.
- Reach co-membership mutual goals of 10% of each of their respective memberships being members of the other Association by 2020.
- Stimulate reciprocal training in the spirit of stimulating the cross-certification of instructors, CADS and CASI will each provide a 20% discount on all Level 1 instructor certification courses to all active certified CASI instructors and CADS members
- Continue to further the respective relationships with Canada Snowboard to share expertise, resources and assessment standards to further the coaching program for para-snowboard athletes.
“CADS is extremely proud to work with CASI to create a positive snowboard experience for anyone who has a physical or cognitive impairment. CASI’s solution oriented approach to promoting the sport and the training of its instructors fits perfectly with the needs of CADS snowboard students and our own instructors” said CADS Managing Director Christian Hrab.
CASI Executive Director and CEO, Dan Genge said “CASI is proud to support the continued evolution of snowboard instructor certification in Canada. We are looking forward to bringing further education and training opportunities to our members.”
About CADS
CANADIAN ADAPTIVE SNOWSPORTS (CADS)is a national multi sport
organization with a mission to develop and promote adaptive
snowsports through partnerships, training, and instructor
certification programs in Canada. CADS, directly and through its
CADS Divisions and CADS Local Programs provides opportunities for
people with disabilities in Canada to experience the joy of
participating and/or competing in alpine adaptive snowsports. CADS
maintainsa Technical Committee (TC) to assist in the operation of
its Instructor training.
About CASI
professional snowboard teaching body in Canada. CASI’s mission is
to promote the sport of snowboarding, snowboard instruction and the
profession of snowboard teaching in Canada by training and
certifying snowboard instructors to ensure that a national standard
of safe and efficient snowboard instruction is maintained. CASI
maintains a Technical and Educational Committee (TEC) to assist in
the operation of CASI.
2017 Canadian Paralympic Hall of Fame and Sport Awards ceremony held at the Infinity Centre in Ottawa.
April 7, 2017
Photos are available at:
Videos are available at:
Four award winners
Aurélie Rivard received the award for Best Female Athlete
Tristen Chernove received the award for Best Games Debut –
Sébastien Travers of Bromont, Que., received the Tim Frick
Paralympic Coach Excellence Award.
Maxime Gagnon of Montreal received the Development Coach of the
Year Award
Five inductees into Canadian Paralympic Hall of Fame
Athlete category; Karolina
Coach category; Ozzie
Builder Category; Carla
Qualtrough Archie
Allison Maureen
2016-17 CADS National Award Winners
Congratulations to all the winners. The NCD winners this
year are:
Jeff Boucher won the National Bob Gilmour Inspirational Leader
Martin Bourgon won the National Instructor of the Year Award
New Logo and Organization Name
Our new name is Canadian ADaptive Snowsports (CADS) / Sports de glisse adaptés Canada (CADS). Keeping the acronym CADS and adopting this new logo.
You may notice a snow covered mountain, snowboard and skis, a parallel S and our National identity with the red Maple Leaf.
The “A” by itself can also be used as a pin or badge to signify Adaptive Skiing and Snowboarding.
Red White and Black are our colours and this logo will work well with all colours as a background.
Calgary, Alta. (March 10, 2017) – On the eve of the IPC Alpine Skiing World Cup Finals held in PyeongChang, South Korea – site of next year’s 2018 Paralympic Games – CADS is happy to announce an enhancement of its long standing collaborative relationships with Alpine Canada.
The goal of this enhancement is to formalize, strengthen and develop new initiatives for participants arising from the evolution of the Adaptive/Para-Alpine Long-Term Skier Development (LTSD) plan. It is also to collaborate on providing quality training and certification to instructors, volunteers & coaches. The ultimate goal is to increase the visibility and opportunities for Canadians living with disabilities who wish to learn to ski and develop the confidence and competence to ski independently, with speed.
“One year out from the PyeongChang Paralympic Winter Games I’m excited to make our partnership with CADS official,” said Alpine Canada’s Para-Alpine Ski Team Athletic Director, Matt Hallat “The road to any Paralympic dream starts at the grass roots on local ski hills from coast to coast. It’s here that participants learn to ski, but more importantly learn to; work hard, fall down, get up, and push their own limits.”
“Adaptive Snowsports in Canada is more than just learning to ski, but also how CADS supports our athletes with disabilities to progress to intermediate and advanced skiing skills,” says Christian Hrab, Managing Director of CADS. “Many of the Paralympians that have represented Canada internationally have come up through the CADS adaptive snowsports system. ACA and CADS aim to continue to work with the next generation of skiers regardless of whether they are inspired to ski the blue runs on their local hills with their families or aspire for Paralympic greatness.”
This partnership is designed to provide more opportunities for
the adaptive skiing community to experience the fun of racing
through the Carving the Future (CTF) Camps held yearly in each of
the big skiing provinces. These free multi-day camps enable skiers
with a disability and CADS instructors, volunteers & coaches to
receive high quality entry-level coaching and thus provide a
positive first experience to competitive ski racing. It is also a
good venue to identify future athletes within Canada.
The 2017 CADS Ski and Snowboard Festival is held at Sun Peaks, BC
from March 27th to 31. It will host the final 2017 Carving the
Future race camp series for this season. Opportunities are offered
to all skiers with a disability, at all levels.
The IPC Alpine Skiing World Cup Finals are being held PyeongChang, South Korea, in from March 9th to 18th will include the Downhill, Super-G, Giant Slalom, Slalom and super-combined events.
Alpine Canada is the national governing body for alpine,
para-alpine and ski cross racing in Canada. With the support of
valued corporate partners along with the Government of Canada, Own
the Podium and the Canadian Olympic Committee, Alpine Canada
develops Olympic, Paralympic, world championship and World Cup
medalists to stimulate visibility, inspiration and growth in the
ski community.
About CADS
CADS is a multisport organization recognized nationally and
internationally with a mission to develop and promote adaptive
snowsports through partnerships, training, and instructor
certification programs. With over 4,000 active members, CADS,
directly and through its 10 Divisions and network of over 60 local
Programs from coast to coast, provides quality opportunities for
people with disabilities in Canada to experience the joy of
participating and/or competing in adaptive snowsports.
CADS Announces its Annual General Meeting
February 24, 2017: CADS cordially invites you to the Annual General Meeting on Monday March 27, 2016, 7:00 pm at the Sun Peaks Grand Hotel & Conference Center
- AGM notice 2017 Notice of the meeting to all members.
- CADS Proposes 3 Special Resolutions : At the upcoming Annual General Meeting, the Board of CADS is presenting three important Special Resolutions to the membership.
- CADS Omer Melanson Profile All current (adult) members are entitled to vote either in person or by proxy vote.
- CADS John Shaw Profile All current (adult) members are entitled to vote either in person or by proxy vote.
- CADS Dan Genge Profile All current (adult) members are entitled to vote either in person or by proxy vote.
- CADS Barbara Cartmel Profile All current (adult) members are entitled to vote either in person or by proxy vote.
- 2017 CADS Proxy form : Proxy votes must be carried by a current CADS member as outlined in Article 8.5 of the bylaws.
- CADS Financial Statements 31aug16 Summary report
- 2016 Annual General Meeting Minutes Draft
Paralympic trailblazers named to Canadian Paralympic Hall of Fame Class of 2017
2017 Inductees Canadian Paralympic Hall of Fame
Athlete category; Karolina
Coach category; Ozzie
Builder Category; Carla
Qualtrough Archie
Allison Maureen
Accessible Media Incorporated TV Feature on Ski Hawks Ottawa
Click here to view AMI’s Great Feature on Ski Hawks Ottawa
The excellent and dedicated guides at Ski Hawks Ottawa make it possible for persons with visual challenges to enjoy para alpine skiing. Skiing is for everyone.
CADS – NCD Mont Avilla Trip March 12, 2017
Please join us for our annual year-end ski trip to Mont Avila / Mont St-Sauveur which is a dual-mountain resort in St. Sauveur, Quebec.
This is always such a fun trip !
Date Sunday, March 12th, 2017.
Transportation we will have two buses, one leaving from the west end and one from the east end. Times listed below.
Registration and payment: must be received by March 5th, 2017.
You have more than a month to register, please don’t wait until the last minute. This makes it much more challenging and more work for us to organize.
Registrations and payments will be taken at the hill on your program day.
- Registration form – spreadsheet and an actual form –
spreadsheet filled-in on a computer is preferable if
2017 – CADS-NCD Avila Year-End Ski Trip – Registration spreadsheet - FAQ – list of frequently asked question
2017 – CADS-NCD Avila Year-End Ski Trip – FAQ - CADS Special Events Membership Form which must be completed for
any non-CADS members you invite such as a friend or family
2017 – CADS-NCD Avila Year-End Ski Trip – Registration form
CADS Special Event Membership Form-1
- West end: 6:00am Eagleson Park and Ride.
- East end: 6:30am St. Laurent shopping centre, in front of East-Side Mario’s.
- Depart hill at 4:00pm and arrive back in Ottawa around 6:00pm or 6:30pm depending on which end of town you are going to.
Questions?? please don’t hesitate to contact me (je suis bilingue)
Cathy Presseau 613-282-2954
I look forward to skiing with you on March 12th!

CADS and Canada Snowboard announce a collaborative partnership to develop and encourage Para Snowboard participation
CADS instructors will develop the fundamental snowboard skills necessary to ride with confidence. This partnership will also help increase the depth of Para Snowboard participants, identifying potential athletes for Canada Snowboard?s high performance program.Another major piece of the partnership is that CADS and its divisions will work with Canada Snowboard?s and its Provincial Territorial Snowboard Associations (PTSAs) to deliver targeted programming, initiatives and events. This will serve to give participants & athletes a clear view of the pathway to the top of the Paralympic podium.
The World Para Snowboard Championships will conclude on Tuesday, February 7th 2017 with the Banked Slalom World Championships.
Christian Hrab – CADS, Managing Director
“We are happy to align our efforts with Canada Snowboard to make
snowboarding accessible to people of all abilities. CADS snowboard
instructors will
Patrick Jarvis – Canada Snowboard, Executive
“The Big White 2017 World Para Snowboard Championships is
Dustin Heise – Canada Snowboard, Director Sport
“Canada Snowboard’s Para Snowboard program has undergone
unprecedented growth in the last few years, and partnering with
CADS will support Para Snowboard in its future development and will
provide inclusive opportunities for participants and athletes all
across our country.”
About Canada Snowboard
Canada Snowboard is the national governing body for snowboarding in
Canada. With the support of valued corporate partners like The
Canadian Tire Corporation, Mackenzie Financial, FA Design, Burton
Snowboards, Zanier Gloves, and Mazda Canada, along with the
Government of Canada, Own the Podium,the Canadian Olympic
Committee, and the Canadian Paralympic Committee; Canada Snowboard
is committed to high performance excellence in FIS World Cup, World
Championships, World Snowboard Tour and Olympic & Paralympic Winter
Games competition. Canada Snowboard
About CADS
CADS is a sports organization recognized
nationally and internationally with a mission to develop and
promote adaptive snow sports through partnerships, training, and
instructor certification programs. CADS, directly and through its
CADS Divisions and CADS Local Programs provide opportunities for
people with disabilities in Canada to experience the joy of
participating and/or competing in adaptive snowsports.

The 2017 CADS Annual Festival: “Skiing is for Everyone”
The 2017 CADS Ski & Snowboard Festival, March 26 to March 31 at Sun Peaks Resort, British Columbia welcomes Students and their Friends & Family and dedicated Instructors from across Canada. CADS offers a week of adaptive ski and snowboard improvement lessons, racing, fun games, on-snow activities, socials and an awards banquet. We hope you will join us!
CADS released their 2017 Festival information package.
2017 CADS National Board of Directors Nominations
2017 CADS National Awards
CADS – NCD Annual General Meeting
On November 2, 2016, CADS – NCD will hold its Annual General Meeting. You are cordially invited to attend. For further details please see the Notice, Invitation, Agenda, Election Application for those wishing to run for two vacant Board Positions, 2015-2016 Financial Report, and DRAFT Minutes 2015-2016 CADS – NCD AGM held November 12, 2015.
There will be a draw for Door Prizes which include a Go-Pro 4 Digital Camera, an I-Pad and various CADS-NCD Swag. You must attend in-person to be eligible for the door prizes.
This AGM will be held at 6:00 PM Wednesday November 2, 2016 at St. Anthony’s Italia Soccer Club, 523 St. Anthony Street, (Off Preston Street at the Queensway) Ottawa, Ontario. Phone 613 233 1083.
The meeting will take place in the upper hall. It is a large wheel chair accessible room.
We intend to have signage in place at St Anthony’s directing people to the hall. There is an elevator at the door where a large poster with our CADS NCD will be placed.
During this AGM an election will be held for two (maybe three) Directors to sit on the CADS NCD Board. All current CADS NCD members in good standing are eligible to run for these positions. Dedicated members with experience in Administration, Finance, Translation, Information Technology, and or Fundraising are encouraged to apply. We would also welcome parents of skiers to consider these positions. Please fill out the attached Application Form and forward it to our Nominations Committee Chair Mr. David Farough at at and cc Nomination Committee member Mr. Bruce Meredith at
The deadline to submit applications is midnight Ottawa time on October 26, 2016. There will be no calls for nominations from the floor. Please note that two (2) current CADS NCD members in good standing are required to support each nomination.
Light refreshments will be served at 5:15 PM. We anticipate a 6:00 PM start. It is a good networking opportunity as representatives from all our programs will be present.
At the Annual General Meeting, the membership will be asked to approve the 2016-2017 annual budgets for CADS – NCD and each of our programs. Attached are the
- CADS-NCD 2016-2017 Budget
- Calabogie Peaks Program 2016-2017 Budget
- Winter Sports Clinic 2016-2017 Budget
- Mount Pakenham Program 2016-2017 Budget
- Edelweiss Valley Program 2016-2017 Budget
- Mont Cascades Program 2016-2017 Budget
- NCD Technical Committee 2016-2017 Budget>
The Presidents Report 2015-2016 CADS – NCD will be presented at the AGM.
CADS National Technical Committee Articles
October 24, 2016
Your national Technical Committee (TC) will deliver monthly tricks, tips and advice to improve your volunteer and Instructor skills.
All TC articles are available on the CADS website > Resources > Forms & Documents
This month, the TC presents 3 articles:
CADS Announces Next season’s CADS Festival, Pre-course and event information
One of our volunteers has a blog with tips and techniques for sit skiing & tethering. You can visit it at :
On June 24, 2016, CADS confirmed the following event. For more information please visit CADS web site.
The 2017 CADS Ski and Snowboard festival will be held at Sun Peaks Resort from March 26 to 31, 2017. Accommodation at Sun Peaks Grand Hotel & Conference Centre. Registration will open October 1, 2016.
The 2016 Western Pre-course will be at Sun Peaks Resort, BC, November 24, 25, 26 & 27, 2016.
The 2016 Eastern Pre-course will be at Calabogie Peaks Resort, Calabogie. Ontario, December 8, 9, 10 & 11, 2016.
For more information on Pre-course, please download this newsletter from the CADS Technical Committee
NEW for 2017: Carve The Future Ski Camps: Coming this January/ February to Quebec, Alberta, BC, and Ontario, Alpine Canada in collaboration with CADS invites you to come out and try a few days of Entry Level Ski Racing at a CARVING THE FUTURE Camp near you. Alpine Canada Alpin would like to invite you to learn what ski racing is about! For More information contact Mark Newton, Sport and Development Manager:
NEW for 2017: Snowboard Recruitment Camps and Events: Coming this January/ February to Quebec, Alberta, BC, and Ontario, Canada-Snowboard in collaboration with CADS invites you to come out and try a few days of banked slalom racing and coaching and to attend the 2017 Para-Snowboard IPC World Championships at Big White in BC February 1 to 9, 2017. For more information please contact:
The 2018 CADS Ski and Snowboard festival will be held at Mont-Sainte-Anne, Quebec from March 18 to 23, 2018. Accommodation at Château Mont-Sainte-Anne. Registration will open October 1, 2017.
2015-16 CADS Award Winners
Congratulations to all the winners. The NCD winner this
year is:
Ski Resort of the Year Mount Pakenham Joanne
2016 CADS Festival registration is now open!
Join us for the 2016 CADS Festival at Kimberley as we celebrate our
40th Anniversary!
Festival Support Criteria
Festival Information is Attached
Please join us for our Year End Trip to Mont Avila in St. Saveur, Quebec. Our trip will be on Sunday, March 13th, 2016. Attached you will find registration forms (with instructions), a letter of frequently asked question, and a CADS special registration form for all Non-CADS members attending the trip. Bus information will follow in a separate email, once everything is finalized.
Registration and payment must be received by March 1st, 2016.
All contact information is on the registration form but feel free to contact me at with any questions or concerns.
I look forward to skiing with all of you on March 13th!
Erin Fobert
CADS Pakenham
Year End Trip Coordinator
CADS Special Event Membership Form-1
Canadian Paralympic Hall of Fame welcomes seven members in class of 2015
November 27, 2015 -The Canadian Paralympic Committee celebrated
seven accomplished and influential individuals this evening at a
gala in Ottawa, for the official induction ceremony for the
Canadian Paralympic Hall of Fame.
Honored tonight were the seven inductees for 2015:
Athlete category; Chantal Petitclerc, Marni Abbott-Peter, and
Lauren Woolstencroft.
Coach category; Wilf Strom, Audrey Strom
Builder Category; Audrey Strom, Dr. Donald Royer, and Gary
TV Special on Para Alpine Ontario
November 16, 2015
The premiere of the “Para Alpine Skiing” episode on SPORTS LAB
originally aired on Monday, November 9th on TVO. It was filmed
at Craigleith in March 2015.
Paralympic icons named to Canadian Paralympic Hall of Fame
2015 Inductees Canadian Paralympic Hall of Fame
Athlete category; Chantal Petitclerc, Marni Abbott-Peter, and
Lauren Woolstencroft.
Coach category; Wilf Strom, Audrey Strom
Builder Category; Audrey Strom, Dr. Donald Royer, and Gary
2014-15 CADS Award Winners
Congratulations to all the winners. NCD winners include:
Administrator of the Year, Raymond Blimkie, Calabogie
Skier/Snowboarder of the Year, Jacob-Emmanuel Doyle, Edelweiss
Karl Hilzinger Award, Bernie Simpson, Ski Hawks Ottawa
2013-14 CADS Award Winners
Congratulations to all the winners. NCD winners include:
Instructor of the Year, Annette Cousens, CADS – NCD Mount Pakenham
Adaptive Ski Program
President’s Award, to CADS Technical Committee Members, including
Bruce Meredith from CADS – NCD. Others include, Tommy Chevrette,
Jamie McCulloch, and Jim Anderson.
2012-13 CADS Award Winners
Congratulations to all the winners. NCD winners include:
Administrator of the Year, Carolyn Mitrow, Ski Hawks Ottawa
Karl Hilzinger Award, Clay Dawdy Calabogie Adaptive Ski Program
Ski Resort of the Year, Calabogie Peaks Resort
Calabogie Program Centre of Excellence holds grand opening for adaptive snowsports
Jerry and Annie Johnston inducted into the Canadian Disability Hall of Fame
Update: – Nov 6, 2013
Click HERE to view a photo from the ceremony and Jerry and Annie’s page from the programme
Jerry and Annie Johnston, Builders Kimberley, British Columbia, husband and wife team Jerry and Annie Johnston played a profoundly influential role in the growth and development of the sport of skiing for people with a disability. As a young ski instructor in Alberta in 1963, Jerry introduced the first program for disabled skiers in Canada and in 1976 he founded the Canadian Association for Disabled Skiing where he served for nearly 30 years as executive director with Annie’s dedicated administrative support.
The Canadian Disability Hall of Fame provides permanent recognition of outstanding Canadians who have made extraordinary contributions to enriching the quality of life for people with physical disabilities.
Nominations to the Hall of Fame come from sources across Canada – community groups, private citizens, associations and organizations of and for people with physical disabilities.
Click here for event information
Nominees are chosen each year by the Hall of Fame’s Selection Board in the category of Builder, Achiever or Athlete. The inductees are individuals who truly have made a difference – those who have opened doors for people with disabilities in the areas of sports, education, employment or housing.
Event Information
Twentieth Annual Hall of Fame Induction
The Fairmont Royal York Hotel, Canadian Room
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
11:45 a.m. Reception
12:00 p.m. Luncheon
Guest Speaker
The Honourable Peter Mackay, Minister of National
Celebration of People Awards
Jacob received an award from the Governor General last year (summer 2010) and also an award from CHEO.
This past winter he showed us what the snow slider can allow certain people to do.
Jacob-Emmanuel Doyle is a high school student who has achieved many personal goals in the face of adversity, while giving generously to his community. Jacob Emmanuel has made considerable progress after suffering a stroke 3 years ago learning to walk and speak again while making others laugh and pursuing his goal to be a stand-up comedian. As the CHEO Champion for 2010, he helped raise over $7,500 for the hospital, and volunteers with the Ottawa Childrens Treatment Centre and le Centre educatif sur un nuage. Jacob-Emmanuel is a role model for children, showing that dreams can be realized no matter the obstacles.
Click to Donate to CADS – NCD via Canada Helps
Charitable Donation Number: 11905-1514-RR0001
Tax Receipts Available




