Hello everyone,

 Please join us for our annual year-end ski trip to Mont Avila / Mont St-Sauveur which is a dual-mountain resort in St. Sauveur, Quebec.   This is always such a fun trip!

 Date   Sunday March 8th, 2020.    

 Transportation   Bus with two departure/return points in Ottawa – one in the west end and one in the east end.  Times listed below.

 Cost  $35 for CADS Volunteers and Participants

$45 for friends and family

 Registration and payment   Registration DEADLINE: February 23rd, 2020. 

You have a more than a month to register, please don’t wait until the last minute (which makes more work for the organizer)

 ***IMPORTANT*** Each person must register individually using the appropriate GoalLine form below. Must be individual registrations/payment in GoalLine in order to be registered and insured.  Please do not try to get around this as it causes huge issues and a lot of manual work to fix

You must pay by credit card to complete the registration in GoalLine.

 CADS Volunteers & Participants:  (Ctrl + click to follow the link)

CADS NCD Year-End Ski Trip Registration – Volunteers & Participants

 1.    Participants must arrange their own volunteer(s) to accompany them.

2.    You will need your Access Code (which is also your CADS member number) from your initial Confirmation email, which may have been in your junk mail folder. If you can’t find your Access code, see the FAQ for how to retrieve it.

 Friends and Family:  (Ctrl + click to follow the link)

CADS NCD Year-End Ski Trip Registration – FRIENDS & FAMILY



FAQ – list of frequently asked question


·      West end:  7:00am   Eagleson Park and Ride 

·      East end:   7:30am   CFMWS Complex, 4210 Labelle Street, Ottawa, K1J 1J7 (same as last year)

·      Remember: this is the time-change day.


·      Depart hill at 4:30pm and arrive back in Ottawa around 6:30pm or 7:00pm depending on which end of town you are going to.


·      Check the FAQ document.

·      Ask your hill / program coordinator or the trip organizer Nancy Keddy  nkeddyn211@bell.net  613-668-0730

·      If you are having trouble with the registration form itself contact Cathy Presseau catherine.presseau@gmail.com  613-282-2954




How much does it cost?

$35.00 for CADS members (volunteers and participants)

$45.00 for non-members (family and friends)

            ***there is no discount if you decide to drive your own car, sorry.

 I’m a CADS member but I don’t have my Access Code to register. How can I get it?

In the registration form, click the blue “What’s my Access Code?” link:

It will send you an email with your access code.  If you don’t receive it, check your junk mail folder.

Can I register several people at once or do I really need to register each person separately?

Each person must register and pay by credit card individually using the appropriate GoalLine form. Must be individual registrations/payment in GoalLine in order to be registered and insured.  Please do not try to get around this since it causes huge issues and a lot of manual work to fix.

 Will the program be matching me up with a volunteer?

No.  YOU are responsible for organizing your volunteer(s).

 I’m a volunteer, but have not been asked to ski with anyone – can I go?

Absolutely!  You have no obligation to ski with a participant.

 I have a sibling/friend/parent who would like to come.  Can I invite them?

Yes.  Friends and family are welcome. 

They will need to register individually and pay the $45 fee by credit card online.

 Registration Deadline?

This trip is run on a first-come, first-served basis.  

Registration DEADLINE is Sunday February 23rd.

 What if the ski conditions are no good.  Will you cancel?

If it appears that the conditions have deteriorated to a point where it will not be safe/worthwhile, we’ll cancel and advise you a few days ahead of time.  

 Will CADS be paying for my meals?

No, CADS will provide light refreshments on the way to and the way back of St. Avila.  Lunch is your responsibility.

 Is the Avila lodge accessible?

Yes.  There is an elevator to the second floor where the cafeteria and bar are located. 

The large locker room, ski shop and bathrooms are on the ground floor.

 How do I rent equipment?  

·  If you provide us with the necessary information in advance as part of your online registration, you can get a special rate of $30.00.  

·  Pay the trip organizer, Nancy Keddy, by e-transfer to nkeddyn211@bell.net

   (or cash on the day of the trip but this makes a lot more trouble and work for the organizers so e-transfer before the trip is much preferred)  

·  Equipment will be ready and waiting for you in the rental shop in the Mont Avila lodge. 

 Still have questions? 

·  Ask your hill / program coordinator or the trip organizer Nancy Keddy  nkeddyn211@bell.net  613-668-0730

·  If you are having trouble with the registration form itself contact Cathy Presseau catherine.presseau@gmail.com  613-282-2954