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Canadian Adaptive Snowsports (CADS) is a volunteer organization that teaches disabled people to ski. We run our own instructor certification, specifically in teaching the disabled.
- You don’t need to be certified to start volunteering with CADS. Certification usually comes after a few years experience.
- A CADS certification will enable you to take the role of an instructor rather than an assistant in any CADS program nationwide
- A CADS certification won’t get you a job as a ski instructor for able bodied students. That requires a CSIA certification
- If you already have a CSIA (or PSIA) certification then getting CADS as well might be useful as specialty, like being a certified snow park instructor.
- This page is about the CADS certification courses in the National Capital Region (around Ottawa), there are other divisions around the country which also provide the same certifications.
CADS – NCD Teaching & Certification
CADS – NCD’s Technical Committee is responsible for the scheduling and implementation of CADS Instructor certification courses. CADS – NCD Technical Committee offers: Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 CADS certification courses. Instructors who successfully complete courses are reimbursed for reasonable costs they incur such that the courses are provided at no charge to existing CADS members. For further information, contact Colin Moden at
CADS Instructor Certification Program
A fundamental pillar of the CADS organization is their Instructors’ Certification Program. It provides the structure for the training and certification of CADS ski and snowboard instructors who deliver the on-snow instruction.
The CADS Instructor Certification Program will ensure that CADS continues to set the standard for safe, effective technical instruction, and to provide opportunities for more people with disabilities to safely experience adaptive snow sports to the best of their abilities.
The CADS Instructor Certification Program:
- Is consistent across the country
- Is consistent with the CSIA / CASI methodology
- Is consistent with the Alpine Canada Long-Term Skier Development, and with other partners
- Is consistent with and supported by an improved, up-to-date instructor manual
- Encourages succession planning for Course Conductors, Examiners, and Senior Examiners.
Certification Levels
- Volunteers without certification are allowed to teach if trained properly and under the supervision of a qualified instructor.
- Level I Instructor – certified to teach on learning terrain
- Level 2 Instructor – certified to teach on beginner terrain
- Level 3 Instructor – certified to teach on intermediate terrain
- Course Conductor for Level 1 – Can certify new Level 1 Instructors
- Course Conductor for Level 2 – Can certify new Level 2 Instructors
- Level 4 Instructor – Can certify new Course Conductors
- Level 4 Examiner – Can certify Level 4 Instructors
Modular Approach to Level 1 and Level 2 Certification
Level 1 and 2 certification can be taken as a full course, or by modules.
Each module has a specific focus and they are:
3-Track / 4-Track Module (3&4T)
Visually Impaired Module (VI)
Sit-ski Module (SS)
Autism Spectrum Disorder/ Cognitively Impaired Module (ASD/CI)
Level 1 and Level 2 are taken as a skier or as a snowboarder. There is a crossover module that allows Certified Skiing Instructors to also qualify as Snowboard instructors, or vice versa.
Click to Donate to CADS – NCD via Canada Helps
Division Office: 1216 Bordeau Grove, Ottawa, ON K1C 2M7
Charitable Donation Number: 11905-1514-RR0001
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