CADS can also provide certification for professional CSIA (or
PSIC, or CASI ) ski instructors on teaching athletes with
This can enable your ski school to be more inclusive, and in particular allow your school to host ski trips from schools where the class includes students with disabilities.
We can run certification courses at your hill for classes of 3 or more instructors. Or at a CADS program hill for classes of ski instructors from various hills. Ski Instructors (min. CSIA or PSIC Level 1) can take any CADS course. The most common first CADS courses for ski instructors to take are:
- CADS Level 1 – ASD/CI (Autism Spectrum Disorder/Cognitive Impairment) Module (1.5 days)
- CADS Level 1 Complete (2 – 3 days)
These courses include:
- All CADS training materials
- CADS membership for one year*
- Alpine Canada “Becoming Para-Ready” resource
*CADS membership can also result in a discount for your CSIA memebrship
To arrange a course please contact:
- NCD region: Colin Moden /
- West/North/Central Ontario: Gwen Binsfeld /
- CADS Ontario: Jonathan Wood /
2024 Special
This season we have a government grant aimed at improving Community sport for all . Thanks to this grant, CADS Ontario and CADS NCD will be delivering Ski School instructor certification at a 50% discount until March 31, 2024.
Training / Certification Fees (requires min. CSIA or PSIC Level 1)
CADS Level 1 – ASD/CI (Autism Spectrum Disorder/Cognitive
Impairment) Module – $50 per candidate
CADS Level 1 – VI (Visual Impairment) Module – $50 per
CADS Level 1 – 3 & 4 Track Module – $50 per candidate
CADS Level 1 – Sit Ski Module – $100 per candidate
CADS Level 1 Complete – $200 per candidate